Thursday, 8 May 2014

Your Capture?

So, this post is where you will find out exactly what YOUR CAPTURE is all about …

Your Capture is like a sequel to Self Capture, now if you don’t know what that is here is the link -

Go check out Self Capture and you’ll get the picture as to what Your Capture would look like and such ..
Here is a little background of Self Capture:
Every week for a year I did a new self portrait of myself. Each week I’d post the self-portrait on my blog (Self Capture) with a new theme sometimes even a character , with a song and a quote..  It was so much fun and I learnt a lot from it.

But now I’ve created a new challenge called YOUR CAPTURE – with Your Capture instead of me posting pictures of myself every week, I’ll be posting pictures of YOU !

Here are 5  facts that you need to know, to be in Your Capture:
  1.   Message me on Your Capture's facebook page:
    Simply asking me to be on the blog, then i'll put you down on the list and we'd figure out what date to shoot\time\place etc ..
  2. Think about what your favorite quote is? Maybe even a song? That would complement the theme or maybe even character your going for, if you wish for one of course. If you're blank on what kind of scenery\theme\character\look - we can just chat about it and figure it out together.
  3. There is money involved for this...I know you're thinking 'what a bummer' but no worries, its easy - it'll be R150 for everything.
  4. Everything meaning: A blog post all about you, pics -10 guaranteed classy photographs (which I will put on a disc for you. I'll probably only put 3 or 4 on the blog though.. Come on guys, photo-shoots now are in the 1000s and I'm charging like R150!
  5. Its for ALL AGES & ALL GENDERS!
You may be thinking what is the point in all this? Well firstly I LOVE taking pictures of people, faces are so full of depth and emotion and I dream of capturing that in my photographs.
Secondly I believe through this blog we'd be able to get to know each other alot more in this small community, we all see each other everyday and not all of us actually know anything about each other - so with every new blog post a new person will claim their post with their amazing face, with their quote, song and maybe a few facts! I just think Your Capture could turn into something big and I would be so very happy if you could join me on this beautiful journey.. so message me and lets get this party started! I cannot wait to meet you and take photos of you! (a little weird I know but just bare with me here haha)

I filmed a video explaining everything of the above in person and more! For example if you want to get involved in this project just by giving props, clothes, make-up or even a little donation to a new camera - the video will explain everything about that...

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